

legal management consulting

Keeping your legal workforce and workflow in synch

By Agile, Flexible resources, Insights, Managed legal teamsNo Comments

Of all the future-gazing about what a post-COVID world might look like, predictions about the workplace are proving to be the most accurate. We’ve quickly gone beyond acceptance of home and hybrid working to embrace longer-term trends like contingent staffing and outsourced services. In the topsy-turvy world of lockdowns and supply chain disruptions, a flexible legal workforce made up of your talent and the resources provided by a partner is gaining greater acceptance.
Of all the future-gazing about what a post-COVID world might look like, predictions about the workplace are proving to be the most accurate.

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Business acceleration 4: embracing the human-machine approach

By Agile, Business acceleration, Contract management, InsightsNo Comments

Businesses use technology to automate manual processes and become more efficient, freeing people to focus on core responsibilities rather than devoting valuable hours to rote, repetitive tasks. While there’s been lots of worry that advances like AI might replace people entirely, the more likely outcome for legal teams is what’s already becoming normalised in other sectors and professions — machines complementing humans.

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