

Business acceleration 3: new roles for a new normal

By Agile, Business acceleration, Contract management, InsightsNo Comments

The European Green Deal, COVID-19, the United Nations report from their Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a renewed focus on social justice are putting corporate ESG commitments to the test. While boards naturally tried to reduce costs when lockdowns and commercial restrictions were in place, investors, customers, regulators and other critical stakeholders kept up the pressure to better serve employees, customers, suppliers and communities in which companies operate while advancing the greater good. Emphasising ESG in business plans has turned out to be sound strategy. Investment funds that focused on sustainability last year outperformed traditional funds[see footnote] in the first four months of the 2021.

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10 building blocks to effectively manage corporate contracts  

By Contract management, Featured, InsightsNo Comments

The senior leadership team of an organisation must firstly transform the prevailing business culture regarding contracts from a focus on administrative processes to an organisation and culture that recognises contracts as business assets. Greater investment should be placed in creating contracting competencies that work within a consistent framework. This framework should be compatible with, and have the capacity, agility and flexibility to support the overall business strategy and operational objectives. It is therefore essential that the ownership and accountability for the quality and integrity of the contracting process is measured by specific outcomes vis-à-vis these business objectives. 

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